Easter… Free Tai Ji… Classes resume

30 March to 1 April: Three-day London Easter Chen Taijiquan Seminar with Shifu Liu
Great workshops with Shifu Liu, and because of using the smaller downstairs hall on Saturday, Shifu gave us the choice of a Bagua or Xing Yi Session… Bagua won out and for many it was the first time to try out the First Bagua Routine. Shifu Liu of course came to correct posture which is opposite to the Chen with knees and feet turned inwards for most stances and sliding step-work… the afternoon Xinjia Yi Lu sessions gave plenty of opportunity to work on the more difficult spiralling movements of the routine.

Free Tai Ji in Camden Square – Saturday 7.4.18 at 12 Noon

Saturday 7 April Free Chen Tai Ji in the Park, 12.00noon to 1.15pm in Camden Square Gardens, NW1.
Join in or try out our free tai chi with Shifu Liu. Meet outside St Paul’s Church Hall, NW1 9XG at 12.00 and walk down to the park. If you are interested you can just come along or join in the MeetUp Group. The sessions give an opportunity to try out the training, so many come along for the first time.
Everyone welcome, no experience necessary. 

Sunday Classes continue on 8 April

Shifu Liu makes corrections to posture during our tai ji Foundation training. The Foundation Course continues from10.00-11.00am on Sunday. Correct posture and chansi gong practice, (silk reeling exercises), are key to successful performance of Chen tai ji routines for all levels, so don’t miss out on this essential training.

All classes start from Sunday 8 April as per the normal timetable and continue until Sunday 29 April.

Term Two begins Monday 30 April.

Easter Travel Disruption on the Northern Line

We saw today that there will be disruption on parts of the Northern Line over Easter, basically no service from Friday through to Monday. Camden Town and Archway will be closed, there will be a replacement bus service, Service B (King’s Cross to Archway – see second pic for details), but it is very inconvenient for travel to our Easter workshops, as Archway is the nearest underground station. https://tfl.gov.uk/status-updates/planned-works-calendar and https://tfl.gov.uk/tube-dlr-overground/status/


Here are the posters for information.


Easter Seminar and Holiday Dates

30 March to 1 April: Three-day London Easter Chen Taijiquan Seminar with Shifu Liu
Don’t miss our exciting Chen training from the Chen Taijiquan syllabus, Foundation training in the morning, more advanced sessions and forms practice in the afternoons, an opportunity to build a solid practice and gain individual correction to your posture and movement from Shifu Liu.
Find out more


Easter holiday dates 2018 There are no regular Tai Ji Circle classes from Friday 30 March – 6 April.

Saturday 7 April Free Chen Tai Ji in the Park, 12.00noon to 1.15pm in Camden Square Gardens, NW1. Meet outside St Paul’s Church Hall, NW1 9XG at 12.00 and walk down to the park. Everyone welcome
Join our MeetUp Group

All classes start from Sunday 8 April as per the normal timetable.

27 February: 7.30pm, New Chen Sword Class

We are bringing back our popular Chen Sword Form Class taught by Shifu Liu, to a regular spot on Tuesday evenings, 7.30-8.30pm at the Islington Chinese Association, 21 Hatchard Road, Upper Holloway, N19. The new class will start from Tuesday 27 February.

See our Chen Sword Routine workshop with Shifu Liu coming up on 21 April.

We are dropping the Tuesdays Foundation class to make room for this important Chen routine, and the 56 Competition Form will be at 6.30pm instead.

The evening will finish with Push Hands class from 8.30-9.30pm.

21 January 2018: TJC Fundraiser

Day to Commemorate the Chinese Labour Corps in World War 1

Shifu Liu with Tai Ji Circle presented a day of fabulous tai ji performances and hard qi gong demonstrations with tai ji and qi gong workshops. Thanks to everyone’s efforts we raised funds of  £866.10 towards the costs of the new memorial to be opened in the autumn that will commemorate the Chinese labourers who joined British and Allied troops in the First World War.

It will be erected in East London, at the Royal Albert Dock, Newham, facing due east towards the Chinese city of Jinan in Shandong Province, from where the majority of the CLC labourers originated.


21 January TJC Fundraiser Day with Shifu Liu

Fundraiser performances and workshops with Shifu Liu, a Tai Chi & Qi Gong Day, remembering the role of the Chinese Labour Corps.

SUNDAY – January 21: 09:30 to 17:00

Shifu Liu with Tai Ji Circle are presenting a day of fabulous tai ji performances and hard qi gong demonstrations with tai ji and qi gong workshops for you to join in. Many of the best Chinese doctors are also coming to give free treatments in the afternoon.  We are delighted that Steve Lau who is the Chair of ‘Ensuring We Remember’ will also be giving us a short talk explaining the role of the CLC, how their work contributed to the positive outcome of World War 1, and the importance of honouring the memory of the many thousands of Chinese workers involved.

VENUE: Islington Chinese Association 21 Hatchard Road, London N19 4NG 
Archway underground or Upper Holloway (Rail) or buses up Holloway Road.

9:30                   Arrival and registration
10:00–10:15  Talk by Steve Lau
10:15–11:00   Chen Taiquan & Hard Qi Gong Demonstrations
11:00–12:30  Da Bei Qi Gong workshop, the linking energy circles, and 5 Element Healing Sounds
12:30–13:30  Lunch break
13:30–15:00  Chen Taijiquan workshop Foundation training and Chen Xiao Wang’s 9 Part form
15:00-17:00  Free Chinese massage, Acupuncture, Chinese Health and Medicine advice

Times may vary!

Fundraiser Day Fee: £30.00 cash only if paid on the day
Tickets must be reserved for entry, email: info@taijicircle.


Redesigned Tai Ji Circle website

Welcome to our new look website which we hope you will enjoy checking out. We felt that our old website was getting unwieldy and was ready for an upgrade so have used WordPress’s 2017 theme for a fresh look for 2018.

There are some missing images and we will do our best to update those as soon as possible, so please bear with us during the next few days of updating.

You can contact us through the email link or the contact page.

Many thanks,

Shifu Liu, Chris and the trustees.